#AREA { 1 10} Paradise Island^
#HELPS 1 paradise-map^ Map of the Paradise Island --- ---- -- -- -- -- - -- --- -- ---__ --- ---- --- --- \ O ----- + - brush --- \________s=== --- ^ - hills --- \O === ---- - - beach --- -- / \ = -- = - a small stream ----- ___/ \ === --- O - tall trees -- / \++ ++ ==---- s - small spring -- / ^^ \ + ++ -- \, _ and / - roads --/ ^^^^+ + \ ++ --- -- --- ^^^ + +++ \__ + -------- -- +++ +++ \ ++++ -- -- + + +++++|++++ + -- ---- ++ +++/O + --- --- --- + ----- -- ----- --- ---- -- -- ----- - --- --- - ^ 60 paradise heaven island^ Here you should write something about the paradise island. But as long as this help entry is empty, we set the help level to 60, so mortals cannot see it and cannot be confused by this text. ^ 0 $^
#MOBILES #3401 blonde girl hooker^ a gorgeous blonde^ A stunningly beautiful blonde is looking at you, an invitation in her eyes. ^ You slowly let your eyes trail the curves of her shapely body... Suddenly you understand that she must be completely aware of your shameless gaze, your face turns hot red and you turn away to hide the blush. What a woman! ^ human^ CDE P 500 10 8 2d6+100 1d1+99 1d5+10 4 10 10 10 2 H BCH P C 8 8 2 1000 V CL M 50 >greet_prog 20^ look $n if sex($n) == 1 mpechoat $n $I eyes smiles at you seductively. mpechoaround $n $I sends a sexy smile to $n. else glare $n say Hey, it is my working area! get lost from here! endif ^ | #3402 chimpanzee^ a small chimpanzee^ A chimp is trying to catch your attention by acrobatic tricks. ^ The chimp looks at you and tries to imitate your behaviour. Everyone but you is amused. ^ human^ H D 300 5 2 5d10+10 1d2+2 2d3+3 0 8 8 8 10 E C 0 C 8 8 1 0 AGV 0 M 50 #3403 parrot^ a colourful parrot^ A colourful parrot is sitting on a tall tree. ^ The parrot looks like a circus clown in its brightly coloured feathers. Like all inhabitants of this beautiful islands, it is friendly and willing to make you laugh. ^ songbird^ H CDE 200 5 2 5d10+100 1d2+5 2d3+3 0 8 8 8 10 0 A 0 0 5 5 1 0 W 0 M 50 #0
#OBJECTS #3401 banana^ a yellow banana^ A delicious yellow banana is growing on a palm tree.^ 3 19 0 A 12 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 P #3402 branch^ a long thorny branch^ A branch from atropical thorny tree is here.^ 11 5 0 AN 4 1 7 7 0 3 3 25 G A 18 -1 #3403 a palm tree^ a weird palm tree^ A palm tree is growing on the beach.^ 0 15 O 0 10000 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 P E tree palm^ Something seems to be wrong with this palm tree. On closer inspection you notice that instead of coconuts, it grows big bunches of yellow bananas. Strange... but since this is the paradise island, why not? ^ #0
#ROOMS #3401 Sunny beach^ You are standing on a strip of bright white sand that borders the island. The sand feels pleasantly hot under your feet and for a moment you cannot decide what to do next - to relax on the beach, to plunge into the warm inviting sea or to explore the island itself. ^ 34 0 2 D 0 You see the beginning of a road. ^ ^ 0 0 3402 D 1 Looking at the bright sand makes your eyes blink. ^ ^ 0 0 -1 D 3 Looking at the bright sand makes your eyes blink. ^ ^ 0 0 -1 D 2 Deep blue sea looks really inviting. ^ ^ 0 0 -1 E sand shore^ The sand is hot from the sun. ^ E sea water wave waves^ Even on a paradise island, water is wet. ^ S #3402 At a palm tree^ A palm tree is growing at the beginning of a small road. Left and south iyou can see smaller trees and bushes that separate the beach from the island. ^ 34 0 2 D 0 The road contionues north. ^ ^ 0 0 -1 D 1 Tropica bushes and and flowers blossom on both sides of the road. ^ ^ 0 0 -1 D 2 You see sandy beach. ^ ^ 0 0 3401 D 3 Tropical bushes and flowers blossom on both sides of the road. ^ bush bushes^ 1|3 0 3403 D 4 Hot sun is pouring its rays on you, making you blink and stagger. ^ ^ 0 0 -1 S #3403 Bushes^ You are standing among tropical plants that grow by the side of the road. Small birds and insects fly in circles around your head, making you dizzy. ^ 34 0 3 D 0 You can see only green leaves and branches. ^ ^ 0 0 -1 D 1 bush bushes 1|3 0 3402 ^ ^ D 2 Through the leaves you see the beach. ^ leaves^ 1|3|32 0 3401 D 3 You see very beautiful orchid. ^ ^ 0 0 -1 E bush bushes leaves green^ You try to guess the name of an especially strange-looking plant. ^ E orchid flower^ A beautiful orchid is growing on a bush. ^ S #0
#RESETS * Mobiles M 0 3401 1 3401 * blondes belong to the beach M 0 3402 1 3402 * chimp to the palm tree M 0 3403 1 3403 * parrot to the bush * Objects O 0 3403 1 3402 * palm tree P 1 3401 1 3403 * banana into the palm tree O 0 3402 2 3403 * branch to the bushes * Doors D 0 3402 3 1|2 * road --> bushes D 0 3403 1 1|2 * bushes --> road D 0 3403 2 1|2|32 * hidden exit from bushes to beach S
#SPECIALS * No specials.. :( S