Here is a brief information about Stonia: |
Brief info in Estonian - Eesti keelne lühitutvustus
The Story of Ilmarine, as written by Neonaeon.
Mud name: Stonia (The Cruel and Lost World of Stonia)
Mud type: Bases on Diku MUD source
Address: stonia.ttu.ee 4000
Levels: 55 mortal levels and 5 immortal levels
Classes: 4 (You can gain additional spells and skills to all of them)
Races: 11 ( 3 normal and 2 unique skins)
Areas: 94 ( 6801 rooms, 80% new zones )
Player-Kill: Yes ( Between different skins )
Open time: 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week
Base code: Diku - Rivers of Mud v2.3 (recodings about 80%)
The first version of this mud started: about 10-20. November 1993
The second version of this mud started: 26. August 1994
Machine: Sun Sparcstation-20
WWW: http://stonia.ttu.ee/
Country: Estonia (Europe)