Last updated : Wed Mar 05 00:00:01 EET 2025

Automatically generated Stonia player list. 261 accounts in total, featuring 1416 characters. 18 active accounts (6% of playerbase). 229 inactive accounts (87% of playerbase). 13 incognito accounts (4% of playerbase). 1 accounts not used (0% of playerbase). Active account: A character from this account has been online during this week. Inactive account: No characters from this account have been online during this week. Incognito account: An account with publishing account info option turned off. Not used account: Accounts without characters (dummy accounts). Courtesy of Saru A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Ache (inactive) [ a Hero demon mage ] Bathuz Blackwind Fire and Steel Agamemnon (inactive) [ a Deity ] Agamemnon the Lord of Chaos Ago (inactive) [ a Hero demon cleric ] Ging the Holy Hero Akbar (inactive) [ a Hero human warrior ] Akbar the third Mughal emperor of India [SR] [ a Legend giant warrior ] Nuba the Grand Duke Aldaris (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Aldaris mai ?ss Amigo (inactive) [ a Hero elf mage ] Amigo the HeathenPride [ a Deity ] Amon the Newbiehelper [ a Hero nomad thief ] Dagon the Thief Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Gehenna the Stormblast Anakas (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Bonita the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Mauno Shaakal [ a Hero ghost mage ] Pharao kelle pyramiide ei leita [ a Hero ghost mage ] Sleepy Diabolis Necromonger Anborn (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Axel the StormMage [ChainStormer] [ a Hero demon cleric ] Jeanne d`Arc [ClericpoweR] Argh (inactive) [ a Legend nomad warrior ] Dar the Avatar of War (Retired) [ a Legend demon mage ] Drazo the Master of Undead Arkaimas (inactive) [ a Hero elf cleric ] Anita Wolftear, the White Shield-Maiden [ a Legend hobbit thief ] Arkaimas the Death-defying [ a Legend dwarf mage ] Methos the Commander of Dancing Swords [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Moonstone Eyepoker [ a Legend orc warrior ] Scary the Underlord Armand [ a Hero elf mage ] Aelyn the One [ a Hero ghost mage ] Ash the Mage [ a Hero orc thief ] Bebe the Thief Hero [ a Hero halforc mage ] Boris the Bullet Dodger [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Boro the Knight [ a Hero human warrior ] Boromir the Knight Hero [ a newbie nomad mage ] Bossu [ a Hero elf cleric ] Bru cee [ a Hero elf mage ] Bruce Willis [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Burial the Holy [ a Hero nomad thief ] Carl Cox [ a Hero giant thief ] Danos the Thief [ a Hero demon warrior ] Dare the Knight [ a Hero demon cleric ] Darey Darey [ a Hero demon mage ] Dude The "Dude" [ a Hero elf mage ] Eanor and Bofur [ a Hero elf mage ] Elwin Carpetor [ a Hero elf warrior ] Faelon Juan [ a Hero human cleric ] Fole Blows [ a Hero giant warrior ] Fury is a feeling of wild, intense anger. [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Glover the Holy [ a Hero halforc thief ] Gore the Thief Hero [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Gory the Holy [ a Hero ghost mage ] Grind some Chain [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Hodar the Holy [ a Hero nomad mage ] Icer Icer [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Jarvis the Knight [ a Hero nomad mage ] Joint Off [ a Hero giant cleric ] Kane the Hero [ a Hero elf warrior ] Kehel the Knight [ a Hero elf thief ] Konan the Barbarian [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Levis the Mage [ a Hero nomad mage ] Likwit the Mage Hero [ a Hero human mage ] Loran The Big Bud [ a Hero elf cleric ] Marcel Woods [ a Hero elf cleric ] Marcelo k?rakas [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Marcho the Macho [ a Hero ghost thief ] Nasgul the Black Rider [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Nemdar dwarf [ a Hero orc warrior ] Orch the Knight [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Ox - also known as a bullock. [ a Hero elf mage ] Piq antne [ a Hero human thief ] Pohlad kasvavad [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Puta Madre [ a Hero giant warrior ] Ram the Hero [ a Hero nomad mage ] Sayer the Mage [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Slevin Kelevra [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Sten the Mage [ a Demigod ] Stunned , but will probably recover. [ a Warlord dwarf warrior ] Tanos the Warlord [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Thargas Anvilmar [ a Hero elf cleric ] Theon Greyjoy [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Thorak the tiif [ a Hero ghost mage ] Vog the Mage [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Wog the hero [ a Hero giant mage ] Xanos the Mage Hero [ a Hero giant warrior ] Xavir the Knight Hero [ a Hero orc cleric ] Xora the Holy [ a Hero orc warrior ] Xorag Julmum [ a Hero orc mage ] Xore the Mage Hero [ a Hero orc thief ] Yrch the Thief Artoo (inactive) [ a Master nomad mage ] Angmar the Grand Sorcerer [ a Warlord demon mage ] Artoo is a Demon [Balrog] [ an Avatar demon thief ] Baron is back 2 [ a Deity ] Detoo on kirjutatud C++ abil [ a Hero ghost mage ] Fa pakub keemilist lahendust [ a Hero orc warrior ] Imeilus Orc [ a Hero orc warrior ] Lk 666 [ an Avatar orc warrior ] Mautor the Avatar of War [ a Hero human mage ] Quinlan the First [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Strongman the Knight Hero Asm (inactive) [ a Hero human warrior ] Anath expects none ... gives none [MuK] [ a Hero human warrior ] Aragun Tabula Rasa [MuK] [ a Hero ghost mage ] Asm a mere shadow of a beast [ a Hero elf mage ] Nephthys the sister of Isis [MuK] [ an Angel ] Valen the great white warrior [ a Hero elf cleric ] Valenor the High Priest of Valinor [MuK] [ a Hero giant warrior ] Valerian MuK Athena (inactive) [ a Hero demon mage ] Kyra the Mistress of the Darkness Ats (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Amawyn the Amat88r [ a Hero orc warrior ] Brick Wall [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Bromill the Lightbringer [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Chez the white warrior [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Frosty the Mage Hero [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Goldfinger the Thief Hero [ a Hero elf warrior ] Loop Upside Down [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Pablo the Warrior of Death [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Solo Fight Club [ a Hero ghost mage ] Strike grins evilly
Bali (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Anakonda the Thief Hero [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Bali the Thief Hero [ a very experienced dwarf warrior ] Buldoozer [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Florence the Thief Hero [ a Hero giant thief ] Koljat the Thief Hero [ a Hero elf mage ] Lima the Mage Hero [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Lurjus ja lakekrants [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Macau the Knight Hero [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Made in China [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Mamba the Thief Hero [ a Hero giant thief ] Nugis the Thief Hero [ a Master giant thief ] Suli the Brigand [ a Legend giant thief ] Suts the Rebel [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Tesla the Knight Hero [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Turin the Knight Hero [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Valeria the Thief Heroine [ a Hero elf warrior ] Verona the Knight Hero Baller (inactive) [ a Hero elf mage ] Babymetal the Mage Heroine [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Deisy the Knight Heroine [ a Hero nomad mage ] Delassa the Mage Heroine [ a Hero human cleric ] Keef the Holy Hero [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Wilkinson the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Xayah the Mage Heroine Beavis (inactive) [ a Hero elf thief ] Beavis brother of Butthead Belly (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Belly Wild - Peaceful (Retired) [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Blaze Wild and Peaceful [ a Hero orc warrior ] Butt the Beersucker Blazer [ a Hero giant warrior ] Blaz the Knight Hero [ an Avatar orc warrior ] Blazer the Executioner [ a Hero orc thief ] Blazzu the Thief Hero [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Bleiser the Keiser [ a Hero giant cleric ] Bonk the Holy Hero [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Butaan - wannabe [RANK4] [ a Warlord giant mage ] Donk the Warlord [ a Hero orc cleric ] Dork the Orc [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Fangluin the Bluebeard [ a Legend orc mage ] Glonk the Typhoon [ a Hero orc mage ] Glonka the Mage Hero [ a Hero orc mage ] Glonx the Mage Hero [ a Hero giant thief ] Gonk the Thief Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Hakeeh the Mage Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Laze the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Metaan the Evil Gas [UGS] [ a Creator ] Nazir the Mind of the Wonderful [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Niff Niff [ a Hero ghost mage ] Propaan Abu Sa`id al-`Uthmani [RANK4] [ a Hero demon warrior ] Solzer the Knight Hero [ a Hero nomad mage ] Street beggar [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Tryffel Tyrnyffel [ a Hero elf mage ] Vihmuti Ove [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Warf the Mage Hero [ a Hero human warrior ] Ymmargune the Knight Hero Bounles [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Boun the Living Death [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Bounles the Warrior of Death [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Fandango the Holy Hero [ an Avatar hobbit warrior ] Force the Avatar of War [ an Avatar human warrior ] Hurin the Avatar of War [ a Hero ghost mage ] Migel the Furious Mage [ a Master nomad warrior ] Orome the Guardsman [ a Demigod ] Sindarin the Demigod of War [ a Hero elf warrior ] Thingol the Knight Hero [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Thror the Knight Hero [ a Hero elf cleric ] Wiseguy the Holy Hero Busher (inactive) [ a Legend elf thief ] Busher the Falsifier Butthead (inactive) [ a Hero giant warrior ] Bingo the Teerulli abiline [Luuser] [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Butthead Barazinbar the Baruk Zirak [ a Hero elf mage ] Geena the Heroiini Maag [T2iklubi] [ a Hero elf cleric ] Mini blayback show [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Minos the Thief Hero [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Potsataja the King of Vodka Buxy (inactive) [ a Hero demon cleric ] Buxy Over and Out [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Steal the Knight Hero
Cedric (inactive) [ a Hero elf mage ] Cedric Surramurra, The Rocking Taibu [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Hel Surramurra, The Rocking Taibu [ a Hero ghost mage ] Moda the rockarolla [ a Hero orc warrior ] Wallah the Tarkhnarb Orc Chop (inactive) [ a Hero human warrior ] Eowyn the Lady of War [ a Master dwarf cleric ] Gimli the Counsellor [ a Hero human mage ] Mithrandir the Mage Hero Cody (inactive) [ a Hero demon warrior ] Bety the Wildcat [Chemm] [ a Hero orc warrior ] Clash the Instigator of War [ a Creator ] Cody the Midnight Nightmare [ a Hero elf thief ] Ellis the Sunshine [Chemm] [ a Hero demon cleric ] Kiisu the Lady Cardinal [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Lys in the Sky with Diamonds [ a Hero demon cleric ] Sissi the Wildcat [Chemm] [ a Hero ghost mage ] Unihiir is addicted to lightning Conjurer (inactive) [ a Hero demon thief ] Beazel the Thief Hero [ a Legend demon mage ] Nerothos the Dragon Charmer [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Xerox DocuPrint C6 Connor (inactive) [ a Legend human warrior ] Connor the Grand Paladin [ a Legend nomad thief ] Scar the Assassin Corehore (inactive) [ a Legend ghost mage ] Astral the Spell Maker [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Core the Knight Hero [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Kang the Restless Cylm (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Cylm (retired) [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Robi (retired) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Ursula (retired)
Darkdwarf (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Graham the Dark Wanderer [BH] [ a Hero ghost mage ] Jetrel Hestareon [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Rosella Backstabbing Bastard Darkhavoc (inactive) [ a Deity ] Hello the Grim Giant Deel (inactive) [ a Hero demon warrior ] Arcar the Narcar [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Boll the Flame [ a Hero demon thief ] Deel - Delirium Dreams [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Gemini ... [ a Hero human warrior ] Ghjod peksab segast [ a Hero demon mage ] Salmonella the jaitsabrazdnik [ a Hero ghost mage ] Ville 431 490 Def [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Act of War [ a Hero orc mage ] Bot ja p?kapikud [ a Hero demon warrior ] Bro the Guardian of Moria [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Cylm (retired) [ a Hero demon mage ] Def III [ a Hero nomad mage ] Eko Boost [ a Hero ghost mage ] Foo rides the lightning [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Hit the Slayer of Pure Spirits [ a Warlord nomad warrior ] Njo mad [ an Avatar nomad thief ] Pva k?h k?h [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Robi (retired) [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Rum the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Sum the Mage [ a Hero orc warrior ] Ursula (retired) Dolores (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Dolores "dollu" Draco (inactive) [ a Hero elf cleric ] Celester The Golden Winged Solar [BH] Drogo (inactive) [ a Legend ghost cleric ] Brillu the Loremaster [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Drogo The WarWhore [MuK] [ a Legend hobbit thief ] Kakuke the Assassin [ a Hero giant warrior ] Uki Jnr [Chessmaster] Dru (inactive) [ a Legend giant warrior ] Carbon the Demon Slayer Durian (inactive) [ a High Master human mage ] Terra the Golem Maker Dynamic [ an Avatar orc warrior ] Dynamic the Avatar of War [ a Hero orc thief ] Hull the Thief Hero [ a Hero demon warrior ] Juurikas the Knight Hero [ a Hero halforc thief ] Myrsik the Thief Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Ryblik the Mage Hero
Elton (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Cham the Mage Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Printz The Unruffled [ a Legend demon thief ] Ret the Rebel [ a Hero demon mage ] Spaz The Unruffled Elukaz (inactive) [ an Angel ] Eliot the Newbiehelper [ a Hero giant warrior ] Elmer Hiiglane [ a Hero elf cleric ] Elois Ormihaldjas [ a Hero nomad mage ] Elona [nothing personal] [ a Legend nomad cleric ] Teo oli sees 26.09.2006 Enroth (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Brew Master [ a Warlord ghost mage ] Groan the Warlord [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Hector the Grand Duke [ a Hero nomad thief ] Pur fect [ an Avatar nomad warrior ] Shane The Flame [ a Hero nomad mage ] Shine glows a Brilliant Blue Erkki (inactive) [ a Hero human warrior ] Korgath Bladefist Exile (inactive) [ a Legend hobbit thief ] Coco the Greater Assassin [ a Hero elf mage ] Elaren the Evergreen Newbie [ a Master human warrior ] Maurus the Champion
Fate [ a Hero demon warrior ] Agony the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon cleric ] Angel `s deserve to die... [ a Hero human thief ] Angra Angeltear [KoK] [ a Hero elf warrior ] Arya the Knightrider of Doom [KoK] [ a Hero elf thief ] Ceredir the Widowmaker [KoK] [ a Hero orc warrior ] Cube the Knight Hero [ a Hero elf cleric ] Dana the Dark-Elf [KoK] [ a Creator ] Fate Bloody Power Fame [ a Hero demon cleric ] Gerttu the Holy Hero [ an Avatar ghost mage ] Gin - in the embrace of nocturnity [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Hades the Legend Hero [ a Hero human warrior ] Kuup Meeter [ a Hero demon mage ] Lilith the Mistress of Undead [ a Hero orc warrior ] Moro the Knight Hero [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Naff Naff [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Rumba Light [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Scanlan the Knight Hero [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Sharp the Lunatic [KoK] [ a Hero elf mage ] Surt the Phantom of the Opera [KoK] [ a Warlord ghost cleric ] Tont the Tormentor of Christian Souls [UGS] [ a Hero demon thief ] Vex ... [ a Hero ghost thief ] Zlorf the Misty Assassin [UGS] Fidi (inactive) [ a Legend nomad thief ] Fidi the Falsifier Fili (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Fili lives in Walhalla with his brother Kili [ a Legend dwarf thief ] Helju the Death-defying [ a Hero human mage ] Juss uss [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Kuldar the Holy Hero Finsoft (inactive) [ an Angel ] Finsoft the Angel [ a Hero ghost mage ] Vodka the Mage Hero Fjodor (inactive) [ a Hero giant warrior ] Fighter decides who lives or dies Flee (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Flee the Living Legend Fog (inactive) [ a Deity ] Fog of War [ a Hero orc mage ] Ogri Magi [ a Hero demon thief ] Panic the Thief Hero [ a Hero ghost thief ] Pisik - Tripperi Pisik [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Torment obliterates you. [ a Legend nomad cleric ] Uml the Mistress of Spirits [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Var now ignores you. Forsgonthen (inactive) [ a Hero giant warrior ] Forsgonthen the Lonely Giant Foxy (inactive) [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Alondra the 13th warrior [ a Hero giant warrior ] Bo the 13th warrior [ a Hero demon mage ] Breed le mage de h?ros [ a Hero ghost mage ] Chac le magicien de la guerre [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Naga the 13th warrior [ a Hero orc warrior ] Ogrish the 13th warrior [ a Hero nomad thief ] Optical the Rogue [ a Hero demon cleric ] Warlock the Shaman of the Horde Funk (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Carabas Barabas [ a Hero demon mage ] Funk Star Deluxe [ a Legend ghost cleric ] Havana Delirio [ a Hero ghost mage ] Odessa Zolotoe Fury (inactive) [ a Hero human warrior ] Area v?ike lampjalgne voorioor [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Daedalus The Medic [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Damien The Sneaky One [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Diamonium the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Krox the Hero Sorcerer [ a Legend demon mage ] Liz The Wiz [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Nemesis The Medic [ a Hero nomad mage ] Rosekiss The TestChar [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Scully the Holy Hero
Gangstax (inactive) [ a Hero human warrior ] Gangstax ehk vapside juht Artur Sirk [ a Hero giant warrior ] Gunty Still doing my thing........... [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Predator imeputuka v6lumasin [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Shrike rootsi on rikas riik Ghan (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Khan the Knight Hero Ginny [ a very experienced dwarf warrior ] Ellada [ a Warlord orc thief ] Fry the Master Cook [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Ginny the Shadow of the Sun [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Gloin just a dwarf [ a Legend ghost warrior ] Grab the Shaman [ a Legend dwarf mage ] Huu the Assassin Apprentice [ a Legend elf cleric ] Lontu the Forest Guard [ a Warlord ghost mage ] Ra Nightlife [ a Legend elf thief ] Revenge who failed in magic [ a High Master nomad thief ] Robust the Elusive [ a Hero orc warrior ] Squash the Shaman Gondor (inactive) [ a Hero elf mage ] Gondor the Master of Holy Magic [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Khazad the Angel of Darkness [ a Hero human warrior ] Maximus the Gladiator Goyo (inactive) [ a Master nomad thief ] Goyo the Quick-Blade Grapez (inactive) [ a Hero demon thief ] Akin the Thief Hero [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Doyle ruulz [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Grapez the Karma Police [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Seti the Holy Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Shady the Dead Living Spirit Griff (inactive) [ a Master dwarf warrior ] Griff the Chieftain Grogh (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Dis respect [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Grogh is tired of fighting windmills [ a Hero ghost mage ] Okri the Unbelievable Grynberg (inactive) [ a Deity ] Gryyn the Typonaut [ a Legend orc thief ] Jevgeni the Grand Backstabber [ a Hero orc warrior ] Nurr the Beast of Minas Morgul [ a Hero demon mage ] Sheila the Undertaker of Minas Morgul
Haelyn (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Banshee the Herald of Doom [ a Legend elf thief ] Isaelie the Emerald Queen Halo (inactive) [ a Hero human warrior ] Gerith the Secret Light Agent [ a Hero ghost mage ] Halo [ a Hero orc warrior ] Mellon lallalaaa [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Nermal W?ike Armas Uuauua Heroweed (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Buk aka mr Nice Guy [TKR] [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Duff mafia boss [RLV] [ a Hero orc warrior ] Heroweed Lihtsalt tegija [RLV] [ a Hero halforc mage ] Zen Anti Depressant Hiiler (inactive) [ an Implementor ] Hiiler is Hungry Hkh (inactive) [ a Hero demon warrior ] Abigor Wright [ a Legend hobbit thief ] Belladonna Danderfluff of Willowbottom [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Chop Suey [ a Hero human warrior ] Cool the Holy Knight [ a Hero demon cleric ] Demongo the Soul Collector [ a Hero elf mage ] Elun the Drow Elf [ a Creator ] Hokah - Team Stonia [ a Hero nomad thief ] Posion the Thief Hero [ a Hero giant warrior ] Sahk r?ndab vaikselt [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Satan alias Saint Lucifer [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Toe the Unholy Hero [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Tuborg Man [ a Hero demon mage ] Unesnoiduja the Magic Mushroom [ a Hero ghost mage ] Vau the Midnight Vulture [ a Hero nomad mage ] Yasir plans some serious attacks Horos (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Anubis the Orc [ a Hero demon mage ] Horos is dead Hurt (inactive) [ a Hero nomad thief ] Hurt the Thief Hero [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Twisted the unbelivable eunuhh Hybrid (inactive) [ a Hero nomad thief ] Hybrid the Rogue [ a Hero orc warrior ] Krae raibe [ a Hero ghost mage ] Traxid maha
Iff (inactive) [ a Hero halforc thief ] Grot the Assassin Hero Imre (inactive) [ a Legend demon cleric ] Astro the Omniscient [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Puhh ja Notsu Rullivad. Inc (inactive) [ a Legend dwarf warrior ] Ikaldus the Dragon Slayer Io (inactive) [ a Hero demon warrior ] Salem the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Shaz the Mage Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Zero the Knight Hero Iwq (inactive) [ a Hero halforc thief ] Stabs your back Iwz (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Al Bundy [ a Hero human warrior ] Balar the Gladiator [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Balo the Thief Hero [ a Hero halforc thief ] Blur the Not Very Well Seen [ a Hero elf cleric ] Elbard ... [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Iwz The Warrior [ a Hero human mage ] Lelar The Lellerdis [ a Legend giant warrior ] Retro the Courtier [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Rion the Knight Hero
Jaak (inactive) [ a Hero elf mage ] Kaser the Mage Hero [ a Master nomad warrior ] Marcus the Guardsman Jgr (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Irv irwitab [ a Hero elf warrior ] Milf with BIG tits Jgrmstr (inactive) [ a Legend dwarf mage ] Gamil Zirak [ a Hero nomad thief ] Jgr the Thief Hero [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Trahald the Mage Hero Joka (inactive) [ an Implementor ] Joka Nephew of Jehoowa
Kaaxu (inactive) [ a Hero elf cleric ] Another the Hero Patriarch [ a Hero human warrior ] Araporn the Knight Hero [ a Master dwarf warrior ] Dwarhv the Guardsman [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Dwarr the Knight Hero [ a Master dwarf warrior ] Dwax the Guardsman [ a Legend giant mage ] Fart the Typhoon [ a Hero ghost mage ] Illegal The Battle Mage [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Legal the Holy Hero [ a Hero nomad thief ] Lendur the Thief Hero [ a Hero nomad mage ] Lynyrd the Mage Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Penetraator the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon cleric ] Pipar the Holy Heroine [ a Hero ghost mage ] Poopsicle the Frozen Delight [ a Hero orc warrior ] Prinanaator the Knight Hero [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Puke the Holy Hero [ a Hero elf mage ] Sambool the Mage Hero [ a Hero human warrior ] Sipsik the Savage of the Northlands [ a Hero giant warrior ] Slean the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Sniff the Mage Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Snigga the Knight Hero [ a Hero human warrior ] Supsik the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Turbofan the Mage Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Turbojet the Mage Hero [ a Master dwarf warrior ] Vurr the Guardsman [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Wagel the Knight Hero Kahwel (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Zyx the Gay Cardinal Kalder (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Aladin the Mage [ a Hero elf mage ] Highelf the Dragon Charmer [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Kalew the Paladin [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Koli the Master of all Magic [ a Hero giant warrior ] Krat the Courtier [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Nemuzak the Thief [ a Hero nomad thief ] Nommi the smallest one of all... [ a Hero human warrior ] Rog the Count [ a Hero elf cleric ] Ros The Wandering Cleric [ an experienced halforc thief ] Stor Kami (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Halls of the Dead [Chemm] [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Kami the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon thief ] Leen the Assassin [Chemm] [ a Deity ] Thrain the Great Blacksmith Kapusta (inactive) [ a Master nomad cleric ] Grif the njuup Killa (inactive) [ a Hero orc thief ] Killa [stabba] [ a Legend halforc mage ] Poolik the Commander of Dancing Swords [ a Hero demon thief ] Robba laisk Stabaja [ a Hero demon warrior ] Suskija rahulik tapja [ a Legend halforc warrior ] Tapper the Baron [ a Hero orc cleric ] Ylla MAMMA-ORC Korn (inactive) [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Korn the Spirit from HELL Koterman (inactive) [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Deagol Ernil i Pheriannath [ a Hero ghost mage ] Feanor sounds like the Big Babou [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Hugo swims in warm Blood [is usually linkless] [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Koterman the holy Berserker [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Rage - dancing to warrior jazz Kronos (inactive) [ a Hero elf mage ] Beowolf The Ripper Mage - doing fast rank 4 [ a Hero elf mage ] Eowindel - Suicide is painless - [ a Hero elf warrior ] Swift The Guardian Of Rivendell Kroom (inactive) [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Boot the Spirit Soldier [ a Legend elf warrior ] Cylas the Underlord [ a Legend elf thief ] Jogrik the Crime Lord [ a Deity ] Kroom the Wise [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Limbo the Assassin [ a Legend dwarf warrior ] Pupsik will rule Moria one day... [ a Hero demon cleric ] Shamon the Mordor Flame [ a Hero ghost mage ] Storm the Elven Spirit Kukk (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Grimer Kannupoisi abiline [PVO] [MuK] [ a Legend ghost mage ] Salsa the Dragon Charmer [ a Hero elf mage ] Trimmer Bunkie Junkie [MuK] Kumm (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Kumm Dead Girls Don`t Say No [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Nuga hull Hobbit hullus maailmas [ a Hero halforc thief ] Sargon Notsu TuleMyyr :) Kun (inactive) [ a Hero nomad thief ] Reks the Bloodhound [ a Hero orc warrior ] Tank the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Teps - Another One Bites the Dust
Lammutaja (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Adler the Orc [ a Legend dwarf warrior ] Jupats the Flame [ a Hero ghost mage ] Wiz the Mage Hero Lan (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Achtung the Holy Hero [ a Hero nomad thief ] Artemis Entreri [ a Legend ghost thief ] Incarna - the bastard you know. [ a Hero ghost mage ] Incognito tear drop on the fire [ a Hero elf warrior ] Iowa sanctified [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Jaago Rhubarb [ a Hero human mage ] Lan of old school [ a Hero giant mage ] Mongo the Chosen One [ a Hero orc cleric ] Poltergeist the most wicked uruk-hai shaman [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Quaint the Desert Eagle [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Saville the soul of the wicked and the cursed [ a Hero giant warrior ] Void the Fire Giant [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Voodoo the sahmaan [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Waco of hobbitses Lendavtolm (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Helehall ja valge Lendur (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Rare the Omnipotent [ a Hero elf warrior ] Torn the Knight Hero Liisbet (inactive) [ a Hero elf cleric ] Liisbet the Midnight Dream Lordy (inactive) [ a Hero orc thief ] Cyril the Cut-Throat [ a Hero ghost thief ] Heroin in Shadows [ a Legend nomad cleric ] Hope the Mahatma [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Lordy in spiritu sanctum [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Mesh the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Morkh the Demon Lumeste (inactive) [ a Hero elf mage ] Falenor the Master Blaster [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Marder the Knight Hero [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Valdur the Thief Hero
Maalike (inactive) [ a Hero elf mage ] Emmertel Pure Heroine [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Hakkur the Knight Hero [ a Legend halforc cleric ] Knoll @45 [ a Hero demon cleric ] Maali Black Cleric [ a Hero halforc mage ] Minaz - Whipping Shaman [ a Hero orc cleric ] Morgel Khaan [ a Hero orc warrior ] Myrc ja N?takas [ a Legend orc thief ] Myrgel the Death-defying [ an Angel ] Random like Seldom [ a Hero demon mage ] Temon the Demonic Thunderstorm [ a Hero ghost mage ] Thorkthot Ancient Thunderlord [ a Hero demon thief ] Zzz the Thief Hero Mac (inactive) [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Bomba born to kill {AFS} [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Dynamit ... [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Iron Maiden [ a Hero halforc mage ] Kruvi suure poldi poeg [ a Legend giant thief ] Loki be quick or be dead [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Mac of Mithrilsmith Clan [ a Hero ghost mage ] Monopol mono [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Muff lihtne naksitrall [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Pazz the Holy Hero [ a Hero ghost thief ] Saatan the assassin from hell [ a Legend ghost warrior ] Vant pole lihtne tont [ a Hero orc warrior ] Ver the Knight Hero [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Wiru valge ja kange Madis (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Badush the Knight Hero [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Dredo the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Dwain the Mage Hero [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Rami the Knight Hero [ a Hero elf mage ] Ruben the Mage Hero [ a Hero human warrior ] Saab the Knight Hero [ a Hero elf cleric ] Visco the Holy Hero Maido [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Alonzo the Thief Hooligan from Albania [ a Warlord dwarf thief ] Drez the Windlord [ a Hero elf mage ] Gazer suuretega rinnatega pornostarr [kiirabi 112] [ a Hero elf thief ] Jiu Jitsu [UFC 112] [ a Hero human warrior ] Jocko the Lord of War [ a Hero nomad thief ] Khabib Nurmagomedov the Assassin from Dagestan [ an Avatar dwarf warrior ] Khalid the Avatar of War [ a Hero elf cleric ] Lev Tolstoi [ a newbie orc thief ] Pork [ a Hero human thief ] Stalin the Dead Leader Of USSR [Kommu 112] Manaja (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Manaja , Estonian Speller Mangler (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Knife the Thief Hero [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Madfox the Knight Hero [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Mangler [Klaab Gungfuu] [ a Hero elf mage ] Ripper feels inner peace :o) [Claab gungfuu] Marek (inactive) [ a Hero halforc thief ] Adolf Hitler the Ivan Petrovic II [ a Legend nomad thief ] Alehan the Grand Backstabber [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Bosse the Holy Hero [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Candy the Holy Heroine [ a Hero ghost mage ] Cass the Mage Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Charon the Knight Hero [ a Legend dwarf warrior ] Durni the Grand Duke [ a Hero demon thief ] Dust the Thief Hero [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Fomor the Holy [ a Hero demon mage ] Giselle the Killer Penguin [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Jyrka the Thief Hero [ an Angel ] Lego - just hamster [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Mardur "Lontu" Massuurikas [ a Legend ghost thief ] Mary the Death-defying [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Shad the Knight Hero Mart (inactive) [ a Hero elf thief ] Arch the Sneaky Elf [ a Hero elf warrior ] Arwen the Silver Surfer [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Bjork the Bullet Dodger [ a Hero human warrior ] Elestir the Great Warlord [ a Hero ghost mage ] Owe the True Mage Masa (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Che Guevara [expij?nx] [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Obi - Wan [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Pabul the Thief Hero Mashtah (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Gizmo Death Before Dishonour [ a Hero demon mage ] Mashtah Unesn6iduja [Replacement Killers] [ a Hero orc warrior ] Sebra the Warmachine Matrjoska (inactive) [ a Legend orc warrior ] Zumzum the Overlord Mattias (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Creep [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Folca the sturdy hobbit of The Shire [KoK] [ a Hero elf cleric ] Gilraen i nando [KoK] [ a Hero nomad thief ] Glaurung the golden [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Kili the dwarvish berserker [KoK] [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Reth the pilgrim Maxofsix (inactive) [ a Hero demon cleric ] Baracuda the Soul Hunter [ a Hero human cleric ] Fx - pretty fly for a whiteguy[KoK] [ a Hero elf mage ] Max to the Maximum [KoK] [ a Hero ghost mage ] Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World [ a Hero human warrior ] Saraide the Heroine of the Day[KoK] [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Thorin OakenShield [KoK] [ a Hero elf thief ] Toxic the Knife from the Dark [KoK] Mega (inactive) [ a Hero human mage ] Deka maaginiru [PVO] [ a Hero demon cleric ] Detsi the Keeper of Humanity [ a Hero human warrior ] Mega is back to normality [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Mikro the REAL Healer [PVO](Ordumeister) [ a Hero giant warrior ] Milli meeter veel ja v?ike peeter olemas Mep [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Alatar the Black Beast [ a Hero elf mage ] Apollo 440 [ a Hero demon warrior ] Arizona the Knight Hero [ a Hero human cleric ] Armin van Buuren [ASOT] [ a Hero nomad mage ] Cerrone the Bloody Angel [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Chus and Ceballos [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Doktor Normal [ a Hero demon cleric ] Grigori Blj??d [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Hookus Pookus [ a Hero orc thief ] Jyrto Kivipallur [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Kapp alias Mr. Muscle [ a Hero orc warrior ] Kuwalda Crushes [ a Hero human warrior ] Legacy the General [ a Hero ghost thief ] Maestro the Assassin [ a Hero nomad thief ] Mep - Born To Be Wild [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Moby Dick [ a Hero giant thief ] Monarh the Godfather [ a Hero human thief ] Montana the Infamous Crime Lord [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Moya the Sunseeker [ a Hero human mage ] Mylo - Doctor Pressure [ a Hero demon thief ] Narcos the Drug Lord [ a Hero elf warrior ] Nebraska the Flame [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Nevada the Wizard [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Opium the Moonlight Shadow [ a Hero elf cleric ] Samowar the Prophet [ a Hero ghost mage ] Smog - Crazy Sexy Marvellous [ a Hero demon mage ] Spen and Karizma [ a Hero giant warrior ] Tankist tangib [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Trance the Voodoo Warrior [ a Hero ghost mage ] Ubuntu the Mage Hero [ a Hero halforc thief ] Yee Yee Yee Metallica (inactive) [ a Legend dwarf cleric ] More the Master of Spirits [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Peep the Holy Hero [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Sillu peep lihtsalt peep Metskapten (inactive) [ a Legend halforc cleric ] Accolon the Master of all Divinity [ a Hero orc warrior ] Kap the Knight Hero Miki (inactive) [ a Hero elf cleric ] Walar the SpiritHunter Mina (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Courage The Cowardly Dog (Retired) [ a Legend nomad warrior ] Dar the Avatar of War (Retired) [ a Hero human warrior ] Vader The Battle Grunt (Retired) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Zymotic The Cattle Prod Minski (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Diesel the Mage Hero [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Hufur the Brave Moon (inactive) [ a Hero orc thief ] Bite the Thief Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Dice the Detoo [ a Hero orc warrior ] Moon the QQlgur Mordor (inactive) [ a Legend dwarf cleric ] Groin the Truthful [ a Hero ghost mage ] Mordor the Shaddow [ a Hero giant warrior ] Rockbone the Mace of Morgoth [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Yama the Dark One Morra (inactive) [ a High Master elf mage ] Myrddin the Greater Golem Maker Mr (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Berkut the Holy Hero [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Dj the Holy Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Sorcer the Mage Hero [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Vip Midnight Nightmare Slayer Mullike (inactive) [ a Hero demon cleric ] Mullike arvab viimastest changedest: P A S K Muru (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Ahmed the Kebab [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Aigon the Knight Hero [ a Hero elf cleric ] Amok the Imprisoned One [ a Hero elf mage ] Bhaal the Silicone Soul [ a Hero human warrior ] Fedor the Last Emperor [ a Hero giant warrior ] Knok the Knight Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Knox the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Kurat , j?lle see sama sara [ a Hero human mage ] Napalm Death [ a Warlord dwarf warrior ] Orgu the Warlord [ a Hero elf warrior ] Parm bussijaamast [ a Hero giant mage ] Rumm Bumpel [ an Avatar demon mage ] Tera the Knight Hero [ a Hero giant thief ] Traktor the Thief Hero [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Vikat i mees [ a Hero human thief ] Zyon the Invisible Man Myst (inactive) [ a Legend hobbit mage ] Gale the Old Wizard [ a Hero human warrior ] Lordmyst The Ancient Warrior [ a Hero elf cleric ] Myst arrives from forest of old Mysticum (inactive) [ a Master nomad thief ] Snakebite the Graverobber [ a Master giant warrior ] Tasuja the Guardsman
Naztycrew (inactive) [ a Hero nomad thief ] Brad kvaliteetne kraam [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Don Corleone [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Imbi grrrilllvorrrst [ a Hero ghost mage ] Jimm Beam Of Light Net (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Net the Knight Hero Night (inactive) [ a Master orc warrior ] Candyman the Cavalier [ a High Master elf warrior ] Fortuna the Panther Nigulis (inactive) [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Joy returns from the Underworld [Alkaholic] [ a Hero elf mage ] Kady the saintly [ a Hero nomad thief ] Pepe The black-hearted murderer Nike (inactive) [ a Hero halforc thief ] Bad the Storm [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Cosmic the Holy Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Gollak the Battlemaster of Minas Morgul [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Hampen the little one [ a Hero demon mage ] Nike wants to be you Ninja (inactive) [ a Hero orc thief ] Ghulo the Thief Hero [RLV] [ a Hero ghost mage ] Hype the Mage Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Ninja The Mind Terrorist [RLV] [ a Legend demon cleric ] Shimon the Master of Spirits Nobody (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Nobody the Mage Hero Noomik (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Lola lita [ a Hero ghost mage ] Pedro de la Rosa Marko Asmer [ a Hero human warrior ] Tusui the Knight Hero Nuux (inactive) [ a Hero giant warrior ] Baraz the Unforgiving Mercenary [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Caradhras the Black Numenorean [ a Demigod ] Defarge the Black Numenorean [ a Hero nomad mage ] Gothmog the Black Numenorean [ a Hero nomad thief ] Shathur Hidden in Shadows [ a Hero ghost mage ] Undeadguy the dangerous cloud of Mist Nympheline (inactive) [ a Hero giant mage ] Acedia the Mage Heroine [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Aenea the Mage Heroine [ a Hero giant warrior ] Althea the Knight Heroine [ a Hero human mage ] Amberle the Mage Heroine [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Angelique the Holy Heroine [ a Hero orc warrior ] Ardala - Princess of Draconian Empire [ a Hero giant warrior ] Badb Catha [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Bleys the Knight Hero [ a Hero human warrior ] Caliban the Knight Hero [ a Hero human cleric ] Clericus the Holy Hero [ a Hero elf mage ] Cor the Mage Hero [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Coup the Knight Hero [ a Hero human thief ] Cromach The Godfather [ a Hero elf thief ] Daphne the Thief Heroine [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Deathface the Holy Hero [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Discordia the Thief Heroine [ a Hero ghost thief ] Echosilence the Thief Heroine [ a Hero giant thief ] Ffornexa the Thief Heroine [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Finli the Thief Hero [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Five from Umbrella Academy [ a Hero elf cleric ] Gregorious the Holy Hero [ a Hero giant thief ] Het the Thief Hero [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Hoyt walks alone in the Dark [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Ignorabimus the Holy Hero [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Infinitus the Knight Hero [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Kaylee - Kaywinnet Lee Frye - "Serenity" [ a Hero orc mage ] Makoto the Mage Hero [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Morrigan - Goddess of War and Battle [ a Hero elf warrior ] Myw the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Nightcall the Mage Hero [ a Hero giant cleric ] Nymeria the Holy Heroine [ a Hero human warrior ] Nympheline - whatever [ a Hero elf warrior ] Nymphie elfike - selline v?ikseke [ a Hero orc thief ] Nyrok City -Dembel Trumm Passib [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Quantum the Holy Hero [ a Hero elf mage ] Quell the Mage Heroine [ a Hero human thief ] Rayla the Thief Heroine [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Salvatore Ganacci [ a Hero ghost mage ] Samba hates everyone [ a Hero demon cleric ] Seven of Nine [ a Demigod ] Sinobre the Demigoddess of War [ a Hero human thief ] Vala Mal Doran [ a very high level human warrior ] Wrexler [ a Hero demon warrior ] Wym the Myw [ a Hero demon thief ] Xank the Thief Hero [ a Hero orc cleric ] Yennifer the Holy Heroine [ a Hero halforc mage ] Ysabell the Mage Heroine [ a Hero nomad mage ] Yung Felix
Ollik (inactive) [ a Hero demon thief ] Luugi the Evil Betty [KUNG POW] Olorin (inactive) [ a High Master demon mage ] Friar the Greater Demon Summoner [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Olorin the wielder of the flame of Anor [KoK] [ a Legend elf cleric ] Tiger the Restorer [ a Hero ghost mage ] Tigger the Mage Hero Olwyn (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Balin The Greedy [ a Hero giant warrior ] Bane The Dumbass Giant [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Bathory The Monk [ a Hero ghost mage ] Bill Outlaw [ a Hero nomad thief ] Carn The Bouncer [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Destiny Maybe Yours [ a Hero elf warrior ] Dory Yes Im Natural Blue [ a Hero giant thief ] Eragon The Dragon Rider [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Frar The GhostHunter [ a Hero demon cleric ] Genka The Pankrot [ a Hero demon mage ] Grim Reaper [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Hephaistos The Keeper Of Ancient Dark Flame [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Ilomac Herald [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Jenny The Go-Go Girl [ a Hero human thief ] Jesus Loves You [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Khaz The Slayer Of Orm [ a Hero orc cleric ] Ku Klux Klan [ a Hero elf thief ] Last Action [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Lotho The Ruler Of Hobbiton [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Lyrx With Teeth [ a Hero elf mage ] Manwe Elder [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Mighty The BoneBreaker [ a Hero orc mage ] Nerd Ignorant [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Olwyn The Original Gangster [ a Hero nomad mage ] Omaha Raise Pot Suckers [ a Hero elf cleric ] Plin From Russia [ a Hero halforc thief ] Quick Exp [ a Hero demon thief ] Qwerty whispers:Be Quick Or Be Dead [ a Hero ghost mage ] Radagast The Brown [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Rob The Mob [ a Hero halforc mage ] Saekaater I...I meest platsile [ a Warlord giant warrior ] Texas All-in [ a Hero human cleric ] Thengel The Lunatic Druid [ a Hero human warrior ] Theoden The Lord Of The Mark [ a Hero demon warrior ] Ufo there is only one god, FATE [ a Hero orc thief ] Umbluu "Udmurt" [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Vagel Farmer [ a Hero ghost thief ] Viktor India Papa, say my name Bitch, "VIP" [ a Hero human mage ] Vix ChainSawMassacre [ a Hero giant mage ] Warpath the Mage Hero [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Xorg The Dwarf Who Can [ a Hero orc warrior ] Yoop v?ta veel ?ks toop [ a Hero giant cleric ] Zub Zero Oomen (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Atrox Black Sunshine [ a High Master ghost mage ] Charger Black Sunshine [ a Hero orc thief ] Frantic Black Sunshine [ a Hero demon mage ] Quilombo Black Sunshine [ a Hero giant warrior ] Superbeast Deus nullus deus nisi deus [ a Hero orc warrior ] Tractor Black Sunshine Otokas (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Lolita Lope de Vega [ a Hero nomad mage ] Ott the Deity of Assassins Oxu (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Oxu the Knight Hero [KoK] [ a Hero elf warrior ] Qxu the Knight Hero [KoK]
Pac (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Bruenor Battlehammer Pagan (inactive) [ a Hero demon mage ] Fly the chanter of Moria [ a Hero orc warrior ] Hubert musta mantliga mees [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Meril sneaky bastard [ a Hero halforc thief ] Muhkel l?heb ja naerab [BRN2KLL] [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Pagan the Bloody Executioner [ a Hero ghost mage ] Ratm rocknroll [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Uku the Knight Hero Papa (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Cole[Retired] Peedu (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Grrrr the scary monster Pesamuna (inactive) [ a Legend orc warrior ] Zumzum the Overlord Pluto (inactive) [ a Master ghost mage ] Pluto the Thunderlord Poakana [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Benedikt the Knight Hero [ a Hero elf mage ] Jaan the Mage Hero [ a Master ghost mage ] Kalkun the Great Sorcerer [ a Hero human warrior ] Leesik the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Merlyn the Mage Hero [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Milky the Holy Heroine [ a Hero demon warrior ] Nurms the Knight Hero [ a Hero elf warrior ] Odie the Knight Hero [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Psyhopaat the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon thief ] Razel the Thief Hero [ a Hero orc thief ] Rimm the Thief Hero [ a Hero nomad thief ] Robin the Rebel [ a Hero human mage ] Tooma the Mage Hero [ a Hero demon thief ] Trinity the Thief Heroine [ a Hero demon cleric ] Tsugart the Holy Hero [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Veide the Thief Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Yrk the Knight Hero [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Zavarin the Knight Hero Power (inactive) [ a Hero human cleric ] Cop the Holy Hero [ a Legend hobbit thief ] Grimbold the Greater Assassin [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Power ... [ a Hero ghost mage ] Some the Mage Hero [ a Hero elf mage ] Vian the Mage Hero Pro (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Boost the Holy Hero [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Gizz the Knight Hero [ a Hero nomad thief ] Oz the Never-Ending Shadow of The War [ a Demigod ] Pro the Demigod of Assassins [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Ratty the Holy Hero [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Saint the Knight Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Snuz the Mage Hero [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Stud the Never-Ending Shadow of The War [ a Hero ghost mage ] Swing or Die Prolek (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Celinor - member of Dwarven Demolition Squad [ a Hero orc warrior ] Prolek uss [Ussloomad] Puka (inactive) [ a Legend hobbit thief ] Alaska the Grand Spy [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Puka the Knight Hero Puravik (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Dooker the Berserker from Minas Morgul [ a Legend orc thief ] Ebruk the Falsifier [ a Hero orc warrior ] Glow the Berserker of Minas Morgul [ a Hero human warrior ] Powwa the Servant of Minas Morgul [ a Hero ghost mage ] Snot the Wraith from Minas Morgul [ a Hero demon mage ] Vaheton the Warlock of Minas Morgul
Qwert (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Ethoz -bliss in ignorance-
Raidotest [ a Hero demon cleric ] Demclex the Holy Heroine [ a Hero demon mage ] Demmagx the Mage Heroine [ a Hero demon thief ] Demthix the Thief Hero [ a Hero demon warrior ] Demwarx the Knight Hero [ a High Master hobbit cleric ] Donpisar the Master Healer [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Dwaclex the Holy Heroine [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Dwamagx the Mage Hero [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Dwathix the Thief Hero [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Dwawarx the Knight Hero [ a Hero elf cleric ] Elfclex the Holy Heroine [ a Hero elf mage ] Elfmagx the Mage Heroine [ a very high level elf cleric ] Elfriite [ a Hero elf thief ] Elfthix the Thief Hero [ a Hero elf warrior ] Elfwarx the Knight Hero [ a Hero elf thief ] Elvi the Elven Milf [ a Hero elf thief ] Elviira the Thief Heroine [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Ghoclex the Holy Heroine [ a Hero ghost mage ] Ghomagx the Mage Heroine [ a Hero ghost thief ] Ghothix the Thief Hero [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Ghowarx the Knight Hero [ a Hero giant cleric ] Giaclex the Holy Heroine [ a Hero giant mage ] Giamagx the Mage Heroine [ a Hero giant thief ] Giathix the Thief Hero [ a Hero giant warrior ] Giawarx [572 hp / 112 mana] [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Hobbik the Mage Hero [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Hobbitt the Mage Hero [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Hobclex the Holy Heroine [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Hobmagx the Mage Heroine [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Hobthix the Thief Hero [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Hobwarx the Knight Hero [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Horccle the Holy Heroine [ a Hero halforc mage ] Horcmag the Mage Hero [ a Hero halforc thief ] Horcthi the Thief Hero [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Horcwar the Knight Hero [ a Hero human cleric ] Humclex the Holy Hero [ a Hero human mage ] Hummagx the Mage Heroine [ a Hero human thief ] Humthix 352 hp 171 mana 212 mv [ a Hero human warrior ] Humwarx 479 HP/ 160 Mana/ 264 Move [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Latikas the Knight Hero [ a Hero giant thief ] Lembitu Vanemate Vanem [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Nomclex the Holy Heroine [ a Hero nomad mage ] Nommagx the Mage Heroine [ a Hero nomad thief ] Nomthix the Thief Hero [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Nomwarx the Knight Hero [ a Hero orc cleric ] Orcclex the Holy Hero [ a Hero orc mage ] Orcmagx the Mage Heroine [ a Hero orc thief ] Orcthix the Thief Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Orcwarx the Knight Hero [ a Hero orc mage ] Osvald the Orc [ a Master giant cleric ] Paavst the Patriarch [ a Hero giant cleric ] Peapiiskop the Holy Hero [ a Hero elf warrior ] Silvi the Knight Heroine [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Tammrukk the Brother of Tummrakk [ a Hero giant mage ] Tormihiid the Mage Hero [ a Hero human warrior ] Urmas the Knight Hero [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Varro Vooglaid [ 253 hp / 321 mana] [ a Hero ghost mage ] Zet Grind some chain Rain [ a Master nomad warrior ] Avicii the Guardsman [ a Hero nomad thief ] Bjorn the Thief Hero [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Bungo Bongo Bingo [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Demo Turbo ja Bungo [ a Hero giant warrior ] Drum and Bass [ a Hero nomad thief ] Louie the Thief Hero [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Luude rohi [ a Hero ghost mage ] Miki Mauss in da Hauss [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Mitch the Holy Hero [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Ori the Holy Hero [ a Hero giant thief ] Sierra the Thief Hero [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Tiks the Cut-Throat [ an Avatar human warrior ] Turbo ja Tibid [ a Hero elf mage ] Yippikajee Motherfucker Rait (inactive) [ a Legend elf cleric ] Novy the Truthful [Retired] Raix (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Rip the Holy Hero Rakim (inactive) [ a Hero orc thief ] Bufu the Hustler [RLV] [ a Hero demon mage ] Havoc of Mobb Deep [RLV] [ a Hero orc warrior ] Rakim the Poeet [ a Legend halforc cleric ] Zab the Philosopher Ralfii (inactive) [ an Implementor ] Ralfii the Ancient Stonian Ranka [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Aksegrim the Hero Patriarch [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Jukukalle Raid [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Karmur the Knight Hero [ a Hero nomad mage ] Kivimaag the Mage Hero [KGA] [Scat-POWER] [ a Hero giant thief ] Kivivaras viib kogu noosi kivi alla peitu [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Korbetorm the Muscle Mass [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Penskar ootamas 10-ndat [ a Hero human mage ] Ranka the lOver [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Ruunitar made an alias: #alias [PFA][PUT FINGER A] [ a Hero elf mage ] Sirjelis waiting for Elven Elmar [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Surmvarjus the Holy Hero [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Tummrakk the Brother of Lesbian Brother [ a Hero ghost mage ] Valakhar - Sada Sigadust [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Valgur the Holy Hero [ a Master ghost cleric ] Varjuahne the Elder Patriarch [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Varjumurdja the Knight Hero Rapsak (inactive) [ a High Master orc thief ] Riddle me this Rasha (inactive) [ a Hero demon mage ] Guru Lubriucum Per Procura [ a Hero halforc thief ] Tails Lubriucum Per Procura [ a Hero orc cleric ] Unas the Holy Hero Rasmus (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Asterix tha swartsernegger [RANK4] [ a Hero ghost thief ] Benefactor the Godfather [MF] [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Cannibal the HalfOrc eater [ a Master human mage ] Gennadi Zjuganov [ a Hero demon thief ] Lihtsalt Maria [ a Hero ghost mage ] Raekwon -title- [ a Hero giant warrior ] Ricoberto el Bastardo Rax (inactive) [ a Legend human warrior ] Rax the Underlord Raxrax (inactive) [ a Hero demon warrior ] Dev the evil WARRIOR [ a Hero orc warrior ] Rico the Knight Hero Rip (inactive) [ a Legend dwarf warrior ] Draakon the Grand Paladin [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Law NoFeaR [ a Hero human mage ] Xz the Mage Hero Rival (inactive) [ a Hero human warrior ] Alucard the King of Dim Carcosa [KoK] [ a Hero demon mage ] Blaah the Warlock [ a Hero demon warrior ] Blizzard is Born to Raise Hell [ a Hero elf warrior ] Gabrielle the Elven Amazon [KoK] [ a Legend orc thief ] Grishnagh the Dead Man [ a Legend hobbit mage ] Mirror the Old Wizard [ a Legend orc warrior ] Oggy the Baron [ a Hero elf cleric ] Rival the Hollow Man [KoK] [ a Hero ghost mage ] Rubyeye the red eyed mistress Rix (inactive) [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Rix just reading notes Robot (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Venomx the Incapacitated Roby (inactive) [ a Hero nomad thief ] Koll - Sexy MF Roland [ a Hero orc warrior ] Abruka the Knight Hero [ an Avatar halforc thief ] Artur Das Vraxlak [ a newbie hobbit thief ] Hiiumaa [ a Legend ghost thief ] Manilaid the Assassin [ a Hero nomad thief ] Muhu the Thief Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Munalaid the Mage Hero [ a Hero demon cleric ] Prangli the Holy Hero [ a Warlord human thief ] Reket the Thief Hero [ a Deity ] Roll the Deity of Assassins [ a Hero demon mage ] Vormsi - Tarankov the holder of Yhiskassa Rommi (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Surnumanaja the Stoned Necromancer on LSD Rommy (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Evita the Queen Of Power [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Hater the Slayer Of Justice [ a Hero elf thief ] Hellcop the Thief Hero [ a Hero halforc thief ] Razor the OmniDestroyer [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Spellmaster the Holy Hero [ a Hero elf mage ] Super is Searching For Truth Rong (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Horatio the Knight Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Kont Lont [ a Hero orc warrior ] Rong the Knight Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Toel jah Ropka (inactive) [ a Legend dwarf warrior ] Mim the Courtier Rothe (inactive) [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Apu the b6kk [Chemm] [ a Hero human thief ] Muke Bad Thief - OutLaw [Chemm] [ a Hero demon mage ] Rothe the Creeping Death [Chemm] Rufur (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Clan the Knight Hero [ a Hero halforc thief ] Claw the Thief Hero [ a Hero demon cleric ] Gong buffer [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Live the Guardian Angel [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Miin I Love Halls Of Dead [ a Demigod ] Quigon Guardian Angel [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Rufur the Knight Hero [ a Legend halforc mage ] Speed Karzumm [ a Hero ghost mage ] Surm the Mage Hero Rull (not in use) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Bella is God and God is a Girl
Sander (inactive) [ a Hero giant warrior ] Acturn Vahva s?dur Svejk [ a Hero giant cleric ] Bone Crusher from Shimmering Sands [ a Legend ghost mage ] Gosta the Necromancer [ a Master monster cleric ] Kali the Master of the Fallen [ a Hero orc thief ] Lurker The Ugly One [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Mentor the Lord of War [ a Master nomad mage ] Tricky Bastard Saru (inactive) [ an Implementor ] Saru the Midnight Dream Scoty (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Bin Laden [ a Hero orc warrior ] Darkie too old [ a Hero human mage ] Viljo mage Seem (inactive) [ a Hero orc cleric ] Mh lallalaaa [ a Hero orc mage ] Olivants lallalaaa [ an Implementor ] Seem the God of Peace Shimae (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Shimae vana mees uuesti sees Sibber (inactive) [ a Hero halforc mage ] Engelbert Humperdinck [ a Hero halforc thief ] Sibber the Godfather [ a Legend halforc cleric ] Sonny the Master of Spirits [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Virmaline the Sexmachine Sild (inactive) [ a Legend demon mage ] Bereg the Dragon Charmer [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Caran the Numenorean Raider [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Crom the Small Sorcerer [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Durin the Deathless [ a Legend human warrior ] Elendil ..falling awake [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Fang the Small [ a Hero dwarf thief ] First Mechanical Dwarf [ a Hero giant warrior ] Fusion Bomb [ a Hero halforc mage ] Gurth is an aggressive stereotype [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Kano Cannabis [THC] [ a Legend dwarf cleric ] Mandos the Master of all Divinity [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Mul - Vehkleja [ a Hero elf warrior ] Nerya the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Night Crawler [ a Legend orc thief ] Psilocybe the Assassin [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Rathy the Holy Hero [ a Hero nomad thief ] Razh Blood Sex Sugar Magic Silent (inactive) [ a Hero elf cleric ] Amdir 1 2 3 [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Halaster ze mad gleric [ a Legend demon cleric ] Mentok the Master of Spirits [ a Hero ghost mage ] Morkai - destructive behaviour [ a Legend giant thief ] Piin the Infamous Crime Lord [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Private GOLD [ a Hero orc warrior ] Shagrat - moderately agressive [ a Deity ] Silent the Deity of Assassins [ a Hero nomad mage ] Tigr - a strange mage Silverheart (inactive) [ a Hero elf warrior ] Falcore - the Dancing Sword [MuK] [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Fetish FreaK [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Soth the Knight of the Black Rose [UGS] Skin (inactive) [ a Legend dwarf cleric ] Fearow the Philosopher [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Jennifer the demon BELIAL Skorpion (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Jojo The Ripping Dwarf Smeagol [ a Hero elf mage ] Aegon the Mage Hero [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Bifur and Bofur [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Faramir karahvin [ an Avatar elf cleric ] Gabriel and Dresden [ a Hero ghost mage ] Huiz Figo [ a Hero nomad thief ] Luiz Figo [ a Hero elf mage ] Muiz Figo [ a Hero demon cleric ] Norra kuningas [ a Hero orc warrior ] Plaaster pepu peale [ a Demigod ] Sarka the Shadow over Middle-earth [ an Avatar hobbit thief ] Smeagol and Deagol [ a Hero demon mage ] Soome president [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Taani prints Snark (inactive) [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Alecoq the Unholy Paladin [ a Hero halforc thief ] Bok the Ugly Hooker who steals your money [ a Legend nomad warrior ] Ciram the Grand Paladin [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Crow the Dwarf Suicider Squad Leader [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Eol the Undead Paladin [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Fbi the Seeker of Death [MF] [ a Hero ghost mage ] Galadriel the Dead Princess [ a Hero elf warrior ] Mordag the Servant of Sauron [ a Creator ] Snark the God of War Sokar (inactive) [ a Hero giant warrior ] Sokar the Man from The Past Solomon (inactive) [ a Hero elf thief ] Antonio the bunnyelf [ a Hero elf warrior ] Armas saarmas [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Karu oli v2sinud ja piip oli kustund [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Pd kevad [ a Legend ghost warrior ] Punt is fighting the world [ a Hero human warrior ] Solomon pepurull [ a Legend nomad thief ] Zinks the Rebel Somerset (inactive) [ a Hero human mage ] Somerset the 5th Nucleotide Sonic (inactive) [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Hallow the Fallen Paladin of Moria [ a Hero ghost mage ] Sorrow echoes from Eternity [ a Master ghost warrior ] Trivial the Chieftain [ a Hero human cleric ] Worex the Priest of Twilight Sorel (inactive) [ a Hero demon cleric ] Ekke - Soon, One Morning [ a Hero nomad mage ] Sorel the Scatty Seeker Sorts (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Sorts the Shadow and Lightning [ a Hero human warrior ] Worgoth the Numenorean Warrior Spooky (inactive) [ a Legend ghost cleric ] Spooky the Philosopher Stok (inactive) [ a Hero demon thief ] Burzum the Assassin [Chemm] [ a Hero ghost mage ] Nekro el Carnicero [Chemm] [ a Creator ] Stok the God of Fear and Whine Stryker (inactive) [ a Hero demon mage ] Blaster the Master Blaster [ a Hero orc warrior ] Hulk hulgub niisama Stun (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Rok the Holy Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Stun the Mage Hero Suller (inactive) [ a Creator ] Suller the shadow lost in ages Sumsum (inactive) [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Laip the Hauakaevaja [ a Hero nomad thief ] Lucifer the silent hunter [ a Hero human warrior ] Saba the Grand Puke [ a Legend orc thief ] Sigmund the Rebel [ a Hero ghost mage ] Toll The Sleeping Beast
Taimo (inactive) [ a Demigod ] Fred the Demigod of Assassins Tali (inactive) [ a Hero demon mage ] Morn the Abnormal [ a Legend orc warrior ] Quit the Harvester of Sorrow [ a Hero demon thief ] Tali the Black Assassin [Chemm] Tarantino (inactive) [ a Hero elf cleric ] Delester Of The Protectors [BH] [ a Legend human warrior ] Tarakan the Grand Paladin Teema (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Cork of viinapudel [Y2K] [ a Hero orc thief ] Thc... [ a Hero halforc thief ] Zhar [RLV] Tegija (inactive) [ a Legend hobbit cleric ] Austin the Master of all Divinity [ a Hero giant thief ] Fatal the Black Priest [ a Hero human warrior ] Flash the Knight Hero Tennis (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Azaghal We Were Not Created By Morkoth [ a Hero orc warrior ] Azog the Pale Orc [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Bilps [TRT] [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Bodo Proudfoot [TRT] [ a Hero giant warrior ] Bonesy [TRT] [ a Hero ghost mage ] Booboo Booooo [TRT] [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Crave Man [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Creedey [TRT] [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Creedy the One [TRT] [ a Hero elf mage ] Dheon [TRT] [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Drace Dick [TRT] [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Drakey Moon [TRT] [ a Hero demon cleric ] Dranez [TRT] [ a Hero elf mage ] Folen [TRT] [ a Hero orc warrior ] Gollik the Leg-Breaker [TRT] [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Grima the Holy Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Gruumik the Knight Hero [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Heal the Master of Healing [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Myron the Iron [TRT] [ a Hero human warrior ] Narcaine Man [TRT] [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Razas Asombrosas [ a Hero elf warrior ] Rots Jonelis [ a Hero human warrior ] Rox hull ?un [ a Hero ghost thief ] Shades Reinald [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Skullface the Hot Coldman [TRT] [ a Hero nomad mage ] Sneaky [TRT] [ a Hero demon mage ] Tark the Iron [TRT] [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Vixx [TRT] [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Zeke Nelivedu Land Cruiser [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Zolo the Hero Patriarch Thor (inactive) [ a Hero elf warrior ] Alya the Noble Elf [ a Legend nomad mage ] Anno the Master of all Magic [ a Legend nomad mage ] Classy the Master of all Magic [ a Legend ghost mage ] Die the Master of all Magic [ a Hero demon cleric ] Genghis Khan the Conqueror [ a Master nomad mage ] Godric the Great Sorcerer [ a Hero nomad mage ] Greyhame the Mage Hero [ a Legend hobbit thief ] Iona the Great Fallohid Hobbit [ a Master nomad mage ] Isilmo the Great Sorcerer [ a Legend nomad mage ] Jime the Master of all Magic [ a Hero ghost mage ] Juku the Mage Hero [ a Master giant cleric ] Laamendaja the Patriarch [ a Hero nomad thief ] Laugh the Ferocious Backstabbing Nomad [RB] [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Lothar the Royal Fighter for Brown Army [RB] [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Lucy the Holy Heroine [ a Master nomad mage ] Mahoutsukai the Great Sorcerer [ a Hero nomad thief ] Marras the Emissary of Death [RB] [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Merewald the Greyhame [ a Legend nomad mage ] Mmm the Dragon Charmer [ a Hero giant warrior ] Muscle Mass [ a Master nomad mage ] Mzfk the Great Sorcerer [ a Hero demon thief ] Precious the Thief Heroine [ a Master ghost mage ] Salazar the Grand Sorcerer [ a Hero giant cleric ] Shammy the Holy Hero [ a Master ghost mage ] Simple the Great Sorcerer [ a Master nomad mage ] Soke the Great Sorcerer [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Staub the Dwarven King [ a Hero giant warrior ] Surnumatja - armas labidaga taadu. [ a Master nomad mage ] Tamer the Great Sorcerer [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Tarapita Taara ikka aitab [ a Hero orc warrior ] Ungdol the Knight Hero [ a Hero elf cleric ] Vidocq the Holy Hero [ a Hero elf mage ] Viola - one not very well known. [ a Hero demon mage ] Zardoz the Wizard of Oz Tiit (inactive) [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Aivar Kauge [ a Legend halforc warrior ] Aneta the Lady Numenorean [ a Hero ghost mage ] Kroko vant [uUGS] [ a Deity ] Laika imagines that he [ a Legend elf warrior ] Nukits Amees [ a Legend nomad mage ] Suksu n??pauk Tim (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Jogy Bear is here [ a Legend hobbit thief ] Mion the Falsifier [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Tim the Knight Tt (inactive) [ a Hero elf mage ] Xtreme Gimp Mage Tuff (inactive) [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Achilles the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Barney the Dinosaur [ a Hero elf warrior ] Eled the knight hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Elmo the Knight Hero [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Ereg the Thief Hero [ a Hero human cleric ] Fafner the Holy Hero [ a Hero giant warrior ] Flex Machine [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Jinx the Holy Hero [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Krazh the Holy Hero [ a Hero elf mage ] Tuff the Mage Hero
Umaro (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Rincon the Crazed Dwarf [ a Hero giant warrior ] Umaro the Admirer of bone-carvings Uranos (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Concrete Wall - ten feet tall [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Eru the First One [RB] [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Humpty the FdUpEasterEgg [ a Hero ghost mage ] Ilie of the CancanCreatorClan [CCC] [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Mike Heil Finsoft, Finjugend f?r Stonia [ a Legend halforc mage ] Saabas the Spell Maker [ a Hero giant cleric ] Thuzzle of the CancanCreatorsClan [CCC] [ a Hero elf mage ] Valar - one not very well known. [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Yorick The Small Bud Uustuus (inactive) [ a Hero elf mage ] Beyond - K?ige Saastem Mage Stonias [ a Legend elf cleric ] Buzz the Philosopher [ a Legend hobbit thief ] Falcon the Grand Spy
Valdi (inactive) [ a Hero nomad mage ] Valdi the KillerBee [ a Hero nomad thief ] Vito the Godfather Vanilla (inactive) [ a Legend nomad cleric ] Ferroli Costa [ a Hero elf thief ] Metaxa the Greek Spirit [ a Legend elf thief ] Rocco Siffredi [ a Legend human mage ] Savisaar - vali Keskerakond [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Vanilla Ice Veere (inactive) [ a Hero orc warrior ] Odin THE [ a Hero orc thief ] Stabber The Ripper Veikos (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Axl Newbi of War [PVO] [ a Hero giant warrior ] Coca the Knight Heroine [ an Angel ] Elrond the Master of Rivendell [ a Hero ghost mage ] Jayce the Soul of Amazon Hunter [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Kgb the Nightmaster [ a Hero human mage ] Sabat the Mage Hero [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Strider the Thief Hero Viljar (inactive) [ an Angel ] Fason The Evil One [ a Hero ghost mage ] Meroidoc mage Vizor [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Aiwz xxx [ a Legend hobbit thief ] Bolger the Grand Backstabber [ a Hero demon warrior ] Dembe the Black Beast [ an Avatar ghost warrior ] Dimmu the Virus [UGS] [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Erebos the Shikari [ a very high level hobbit warrior ] Feiticeira [ a Hero demon cleric ] Fidel Castro [ a Hero human warrior ] Fiora the Deadly Duelist [ a Hero demon mage ] Fodes maag [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Gazra Danger - Keep Away [ a Hero orc cleric ] Grado the Guardian Angel [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Im the Dark Queen [ a Hero ghost mage ] Lacuna The Perfect Drug [ a Hero nomad mage ] Maik Taisson [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Meidz the Demon Summoner [ a Hero giant warrior ] Morag the Countess [ a Hero halforc thief ] Nothingface The Eyeless [ a Hero human mage ] Omerta the code of silence [ a Hero orc warrior ] Orgoth the Pink Maggot [ an Avatar giant mage ] Pauk the Avatar of Magic [ a Hero halforc mage ] She the Mage Heroine [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Vizor the dead [ a Hero elf mage ] Voodoom the Mage Hero Volur [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Albert Schweitzer [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Alphonse Gabriel Capone [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Bombur the Ironfoot [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Bootstrap Bill Turner [ a Hero nomad mage ] Cardinal Richelieu [ a Hero dwarf mage ] Chain the FireSpitter [ a Hero elf cleric ] Cirdan the Holy Hero [ a Hero demon mage ] Dracula the BloodSucker [ a Hero human cleric ] Eomer the Legend Hero [ a Hero giant cleric ] Freddy - No Escape [ a Hero giant cleric ] Frostbite the Holy Hero [ a Hero human mage ] Gangster the Racketeer [ an Avatar dwarf warrior ] Glunar enjoyed a night sex with Freya [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Gruber the Mastermind [ a Hero demon mage ] Guglunk the Necromancer [ a Hero orc mage ] Gunman the Wuzard [ a Hero elf thief ] Haldir of Lorien [ a Hero orc warrior ] Hammer the WarHammer [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Haste the Oakenheart [ a Hero demon mage ] Hazard the Graverobber [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Himmler the WarCriminal [ a Hero giant warrior ] Hitler - sieg HAIL [ a Hero human warrior ] Hitman the FireSpitter [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Hobson Gamgee [ a Hero halforc cleric ] Iced the Wicked Witch [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Iceman ceman eman man an n [ a Hero human cleric ] Isildur the King of B(.)(.)Bies [ a Hero demon thief ] James the Legend [ a Hero human thief ] Jason the Legend Hero [ a Hero ghost thief ] Johnny Cash the Graverobber [ a Hero giant mage ] Jughead the Foolish Giant [ a Hero ghost thief ] Kent the Assassin [ a Hero orc cleric ] Khamul the Easterling [ a Hero orc thief ] Kolb the Delirium Dreams [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Kolja struts proudly. [retired] [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Kult the Oakenfist [ a Hero orc warrior ] Lag aka Hanguv Link [ a Hero nomad cleric ] Leek the FlameThrower [ a Hero elf mage ] Legolas the Mage Hero [ a Warlord orc thief ] Marlboro Man [ a Hero hobbit cleric ] Meriadoc Brandybuck [ a Hero giant thief ] Mister the Outlawed [ a Hero nomad thief ] Mohamed Bin Abd al-Rahman [ a Hero halforc mage ] Morbid the Mage Hero [ a Hero halforc thief ] Mordeth - Casus belli est [ a Hero demon cleric ] Morris the Chuck Norris [ a Hero ghost mage ] Mort the Sapphire Sorcerer [ a Hero hobbit mage ] Moses stretches luxuriously [ a Hero nomad mage ] Mutabor the Z?ndh?lzer [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Narcosis hides behind his shadow [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Peregrin Took the Thain of the Shire [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Prayer is Evil as Ever (retired) [ a Hero human mage ] Ragnarok the dread lord of the dark arts [ a Hero demon cleric ] Rainman the Vihmamees [ a Hero elf warrior ] Rambo the Knight [ a Hero giant warrior ] Rommel the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Rootsikunn the Swenska [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Sandokan the Knight Hero [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Snowflake - Yosemite Sam [ a Hero elf mage ] Someome the Legend Mage [ a Hero demon mage ] Sweetchuck the Mage Hero [ a Hero giant warrior ] Tango the Destroyer [ a Hero demon warrior ] Virmamees the Godfather [ an Implementor ] Volur the Grey Cardinal
Walf (inactive) [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Sneak the WineFairy [NoBuff] [ a Legend nomad thief ] Tufir the Assassin [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Walf the WineFairy [Helper] Wari (inactive) [ a Hero elf cleric ] Gwendolyn the Lady of Amber [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Holy Keeper of Crypt [ a Hero ghost mage ] Light from the other side [ a Hero ghost warrior ] Surnu back from the dust [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Wari the Shadow of Death Wheel (inactive) [ a Hero halforc warrior ] Adah the Knight Hero [ a Hero ghost mage ] Bob the panic in the air [ a Hero orc thief ] Colm ... [ a Hero demon mage ] Craven the Mage Hero [ a Hero halforc thief ] Dahl the Thief Hero [ a Hero demon thief ] Dughall ... [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Pol Pot [ a Hero orc cleric ] Ron the Spitfire [ a Hero demon cleric ] Trent the Unholy [ a Hero orc mage ] Uimo the Master Monster Mage [ a Hero orc warrior ] Wheel of Life [k2kk] Willu (inactive) [ a Hero dwarf warrior ] Wurtzelpeter the Knight Hero Windlord (inactive) [ a Hero human warrior ] Gabongil the Knight Hero [ a Hero dwarf thief ] Windlord The Lord of Air Elementals Windstream (inactive) [ a Hero ghost mage ] Eclipse The Iridescent Angel [UGS] [ a Hero hobbit thief ] Koran The Heat-Seeker [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Mirage the Holy Hero Wize (inactive) [ a Hero halforc thief ] Kurupt the Thief Hero [ a Hero orc warrior ] Marla is on the pills... Woodoo (inactive) [ a Hero halforc thief ] Gorag The Bloody Thief [VIP] [ a Hero giant thief ] Goragh the Young Wanderer Wu (inactive) [ a Hero orc thief ] Flail from DragonLance [ a Hero halforc thief ] One lucky bastard [ a Hero orc warrior ] Rull on tainas [ a Hero demon cleric ] Wu Demon is here
Xavior [ a Hero hobbit warrior ] Atoma Bomba [ a Hero elf mage ] Cyclone the Greater Demon Summoner [ a Hero orc warrior ] Cypher a disguised Secret [ a Warlord elf cleric ] Haleth the Warlord [ a Warlord dwarf warrior ] Punisher the Fist of Fury [ a Hero human warrior ] Xavior the Magnificent
Yerba (inactive) [ a Hero demon cleric ] Arcane Centurion [ a Hero human warrior ] Bragomir the Blademaster [ a High Master elf cleric ] Clerus the Guardian Angel [ a Hero demon mage ] Maag - stressivaba maag :) [ a Hero giant warrior ] Mars the Knight Hero [Hellad Velled] [ a Hero nomad thief ] Nur the Thief Hero [ a Hero nomad warrior ] Sumer the Knight Hero [ a High Master giant cleric ] Thrall the Guardian Angel [ a Hero orc warrior ] Ungol the Unholy Hero [ a Hero ghost cleric ] Unholy Word [ a Hero ghost mage ] Yerba Del Diablo
Zarquon (inactive) [ an Implementor ] Zarquon The BugBlaster Beast of Traal Zero (inactive) [ a Legend demon cleric ] Woe the Prophet Zerocom (inactive) [ a Hero giant warrior ] Knucklehead the Godfather [ a Hero dwarf cleric ] Micky the Greatest Cheater of Dwarves [ a Legend ghost cleric ] Orion the Omniscient [ a Hero ghost mage ] Zerocom Furious Thunderstorm Zoom (inactive) [ a High Master giant warrior ] Zoom nonsens Zubr (inactive) [ a Legend elf mage ] Zeelf the Old Wizard