Waim the Holy Spirit(areabuilder, God of Misties)
Well, I'm one of those areabuilders in this MUD. Since my hypertext here was destroyed, I haven't been able to recompile it. Maybe in the nearest future you can enjoy my hypertext again. Until this time you can enjoy my bookmarks. Here is the story of Shakti, my most beloved character in this MUD as well as in the others. Why not check out The John McLaughlin Home Page, my first solo project on Internet.
Selected links:Pat Metheny Home Page by Kevin Stussman. The Pat Metheny Home Page by Marc Lensink. Miles Davis Home Page from Warner Bros.
One of our sources is the MUD of MUDs, usually called the best of all MUDs, MUME (Multi Users in Middle Earth), based on the books of J.R.R.Tolkien ("The Hobbit", "The Lord of the Rings", etc.) For those who want to go to the future world, use high technology and visit other planets in the other solar systems, is KobraMUD. For those who want to see the real Cruel Lost World: If you are really newbie in MUD, then read help (help keyword). If you still have problems, ask from other players. If you still don't get any answer ask from any immortal. If you still have problems there (and if you are GHOST) and if you really want to create areas, you can mail me: andres_d@madli.ut.ee
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